Right! Progress!
I took Saturday off and played a bit of Fallout 3, let myself chill. It actually paid off greatly! Though more in terms of long-term stuff than short-term things.
Browsed through the forums today, tried to address some stuff.
When I get done with things tonight, I should have...
A subplot with a Circle Swordswoman at the pub finished
Fairy sprites integrated for future use
Introduction and Joanna scenes completely integrated
A number of standard NPCs done around town
(If I'm lucky) The bathhouse scene finished!
Completely integrated the "daytime" mechanic. (Nytarra is only supposed to be in Borisville for a single day, so I have to limit the things she can do around town, basic shopping aside, to four or five. Each thing takes about 2-4 hours, so that's anywhere from 8 to 20 hours... Going to assume the maximum upper limit is 14-16 for this purpose.)
Oh! And I'll have a new poll up shortly to reflect what I've been told!
EDIT: Derp! Just realized I listed the title of this one as 2012!
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